The teachers who placed the questions in front of the students have some comments and suggestions.
(1) we read Neil Postman's questions in Teaching as a Subversive Activity. CLICK HERE to get the free PDF from a site in India.
(2) we conspired to place the questions in front of you
(3) we want to follow Postman's call to listen to students.
There seemed to be little doubt that, from the point of view of the students, these questions made much more sense than the ones they usually have to memorize the right answers to in school.
We invite you to make a list of 10 or 15 videos and websites that you respect.
We teachers will compile a similar list. Below is our list. Your lists will appear in the VOICES blog as individual posts.
A list of videos, websites and PDFs.
Dan Pink
Flip Manifesto PDF
Interview with Oprah (Oprah bought 4500 copies of A Whole New Mind and gave them to the graduates of the 2008 class at Stanford)
How to get a better test score (it's a simple procedure)
Ken Robinson (let's push his lecture to 500 million views)
Neil Postman Teaching as a Subversive Activity
Mario's notes about "no homework"
A summary of Pink's first five books LINK
S. Rao has tips about how to create a positive attitude. The principal reason there is no homework in Finnish schools is "we want students to learn how to be happy"
See the books that S. Rao has given in his list of "recommended reading"
CONGRATULATIONS. You have started your Digital Library. You have compiled a list of 10 to 15 videos, PDFs and recommendations that you respect. Why not create a longer list?
We also encourage you to go to the John Vornle Library blog to learn how YOU can build a digital library.
GET THE LIBRARY: download the books today and set up your own JPVLibrary Center today in your home or office.
The blog address for the Library Centers is
The announcement of the library is at this location